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April 27, 2024

Jessica Peterson's Journey as a Mother and Occupational Therapist

Jessica Peterson's Journey as a Mother and Occupational Therapist

Introduction: Jessica Peterson's Story

In a recent episode of the Healthy Habits with Dori DeCarlo podcast, Jessica Peterson shared her inspiring story as a mother and occupational therapist. Featured in the episode titled "Jessica Peterson Shares Matrescence OT," Peterson's experiences provide valuable insights into the profound journey of motherhood and the challenges and rewards that come with it.

As a mother of two and a doctor of occupational therapy specializing in maternal and perinatal health and wellness, Peterson's perspective offers a unique blend of personal and professional understanding. Her passion for supporting mothers and babies shines through in her work as a Certified Lactation Counselor, Infant Massage Educator, and co-owner of Matrescence Occupational Therapy, a mobile private practice in Austin, Texas.

Matrescence: The Journey of Motherhood

Peterson's approach to motherhood is deeply rooted in the concept of "matrescence." This term encapsulates the significant psychological, emotional, and social transition that women undergo during and after pregnancy and childbirth. It is a profound transformation that extends beyond the physical changes of pregnancy and involves the emergence of a new identity as a mother.

Peterson emphasizes the importance of recognizing and honoring the challenges of matrescence. Unlike the well-defined milestones of pregnancy or the clear role definition of a newborn, the journey of matrescence can be fluid and uncertain. It is essential for mothers to acknowledge the spectrum of emotions they may experience, including vulnerability, joy, isolation, and empowerment.

Jessica's Experience as an Occupational Therapist and Lactation Counselor

Peterson's expertise as an occupational therapist and Lactation Counselor has greatly influenced her understanding of motherhood. She recognizes the practical and emotional difficulties that mothers often face, such as sleep deprivation, feeding challenges, and postpartum recovery. Her therapy sessions focus on empowering mothers to develop functional routines, enhance their coping mechanisms, and build a support system that meets their individual needs.

As a Lactation Counselor, Peterson provides expert guidance to mothers who are breastfeeding. She understands the challenges and rewards of this journey firsthand, having experienced both successful and challenging breastfeeding experiences with her own children. Her holistic approach to lactation support extends beyond physical assistance, addressing the emotional and social factors that can impact breastfeeding success.

Adaptive Parent Project: Building Community for Parents with Disabilities

Peterson's commitment to supporting mothers extends beyond her clinical work. She is also the co-founder of the Adaptive Parent Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to building community, providing resources, and advocating for parents with disabilities. Adaptive Parent Project recognizes that parents with disabilities face unique challenges in navigating the journey of parenthood.

Through workshops, support groups, and online resources, Adaptive Parent Project empowers parents with disabilities to access the support and information they need. Peterson's personal experience as a mother with a disability has given her a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards that adaptive parenting entails.

Jessica's Advice for Mothers Navigating Matrescence

Based on her experiences as a mother, occupational therapist, and advocate, Jessica Peterson offers valuable advice for mothers navigating the journey of matrescence:

  • Acknowledge Your Journey: Recognize that matrescence is a unique and personal experience that unfolds over time. Embrace the challenges and rewards that come with it.
  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who understand your needs as a mother.
  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your own well-being by engaging in activities that nourish your physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Allow time for adjustment and growth. Don't compare your journey to others and celebrate your successes along the way.
  • Advocate for Yourself and Your Family: Don't hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. Communicate your needs to your healthcare providers, family members, and employers.

Conclusion: Honoring the Motherhood Journey

The journey of motherhood is an extraordinary adventure, filled with joys and challenges that transform us as individuals. Through her work and her personal experiences, Jessica Peterson sheds light on the hidden aspects of motherhood, offering support and guidance to mothers as they navigate the evolving landscape of matrescence.

Peterson's story is a reminder that motherhood is not a one-size-fits-all experience and that every mother deserves respect, empathy, and unwavering support. By honoring our own journeys and those of other mothers, we create a stronger and more compassionate community that celebrates the beauty, complexity, and resilience of motherhood.

To learn more about Jessica Peterson's work and insights, listen to her full episode on Healthy Habits with Dori DeCarlo.